Radical Faeries in the Vancouver area are enhancing and integrating communications
Here’s your invitation to join us
Above is a picture of Mercury. He’s here to tell you that the way you receive messages is about to change. In particular, Radical Faeries of British Columbia (RFBC) is creating more integration across the various platforms with which we communicate.
This site is our go-to place for information about what’s happening locally, any special events on the horizon, and certainly all things faerie camp at Evan’s Lake.
But we also have a presence on the various social media platforms. Yes, of course you’ll find us on Facebook.
We want to integrate all these ways we have to communicate.
We’ll be using this mail list not only to get a message out to you in the traditional way, via email, but it will also enable us to communicate across these various social networking platforms, making out task of keeping you informed more efficient.
That way we can reach email subscribers more easily when posts are made on our various social media platforms.
So, get on the bus. Join us.